These are some of my new experiments with some 12"x12" pillows, I have new print designs that have layered textures with my silk-screen images. It was tons of fun to do and will be in more of my work in the near future. I also have been experimenting with sewing the pillows together with more cut up yummy fabrics and adding the Turkish fringe (loving it!). These are just 2 new designs out of 17 new pillows that were designed this week, today I'll be making all of their inserts. Hopefully I'll be able to take pictures of everything before I take them to the show, which is quickly approaching. Yikes!
Over the weekend the goal is to finish the 6 purses, and 17 pillows, then make some more little zip bags for the show. I also have errands to run to pick up any sewing supplies needed, grocery shopping, cleaning the house, and grooming and washing 2 dogs. I can do it, no problem. LOL :)
Have a splendicular weekend!
Jacque :)